We are dedicated to helping recover disaster victims.

About Us
Samuel W. Douglass established Douglass Airline Funeral Coordinators 49 years ago. It was created in response to a small incident where two pilots were killed in a training accident. The airline, unsure of how to handle the return of the pilots remains, asked Jacque Douglass, then head of the Clipper Club, if her husband Samuel, a second generation Funeral Director, would assist them. They were pleased with the outcome; He accomplished the task quickly and kept the Airline's name out of the press.
So when other airlines had incidents, they asked whom they had used and Douglass Airline Funeral Coordinators name kept surfacing. Since then we have handled the return of the remains in 38 Aircraft disasters for 15 airlines in 23 cities handling more than 3500 victims returning to 20 different countries. Our goal is to get the victims identified and returned home in a rapid yet dignified manner so you can get the incident out of the press.
We have handled some of the largest air disasters
1977 Tenerife Air Disaster - 574 Victims1996 Long Island, N.Y. Air Disaster - 239 Victims
2001 Terrorist Attacks NY, PA, Pentagon - 265 Airline Victims
2001 Queens, New York Air Disaster - 265 victims
We have handled some of the smallest incidents:
2001 Passenger heart attack in flight1999 Little Rock, Arkansas - 9 Victims
Simultaneous Accidents
1996 Miami, Florida and the Long Island, N.Y. Air Disaster2001 Terrorist Attacks at 3 simultaneous locations:
New York, New York, Somerset, Pennsylvania, Pentagon, Washington D.C.

Our Services
Informing your response teams on our duties and goals
Recovery of remains
Personnel & equipment
Identification of remains
Collection of ante mortem information
Establishing a level of care higher than industry standards
Coordination with shipping lines to establish a quick return of the victims
Informing your response teams on our duties and goals
Recovery of remains
Personnel & equipment
Identification of remains
Collection of ante mortem information
Establishing a level of care higher than industry standards
Coordination with shipping lines to establish a quick return of the victims
Burial of the Unidentified Victims and Remains
Removal, preparation and establishment of a burial site
Memorial Services
Establishing the standards of care for memorial services
Collection, Verification, Imbursement of Funeral Bills
Personal Effects
Collection, cleaning, repair, catalog creation and return